In Christian baptism, a person is united with Jesus in his death and resurrection. We call baptism a Sacrament because it is a physical, tangible, material ritual that is filled with a spiritual, intangible, immaterial grace.

Something physical is happening—the person is either being immersed in water or having water poured over their head.

Something spiritual is happening—that person is, mysteriously (in a way that we can only barely begin to comprehend), being joined together with the Lord Jesus and, therefore, becomes a part of the church—the body of Christ.

Redeemer celebrates the sacrament of baptism four times per year:

  • Epiphany Sunday (The Baptism of our Lord)

  • Easter

  • Pentecost

  • All Saint’s Day

If you or your child(ren) would like to be baptized, please see the events page to register for an upcoming baptism Sunday.

Redeemer also offers a baptism class multiple times a year. The is a venue to discuss the sacrament of baptism—what it is, what it means and symbolizes, how it's done, who it's for, and what the church has historically understood about baptism.

For further reading: