Worship through prayer, art, and hospitality.
Prayer—A space for ministry teams, small groups, classes, and other gatherings of people to pray, learn, grow, and thrive in their relationship with God.
Art—A space for artists to showcase their work and for others to visit and view art. The first floor provides four separate rooms/mini-galleries which may be curated by an artist in the parish and populated by works from a rotating cast of artists. Click here for information about the artists currently featured at the Parish House.
Hospitality—A space for ministry teams, small groups, and other gatherings of people to cook, eat, and practice the hospitality of Christ with one another.
Staff Workspace—Designated workspaces for paid staff to labor, study, and collaborate.
Leadership Meeting Space—A space for the Vestry, Finance Team, and other parish leadership teams to meet and work.
Counseling Room—A designated room for use by Redeemer clergy, staff, and parishioners to offer counseling to people both inside and outside the parish.