Pre-Election Prayer Vigil

Dear Redeemer Family,

There is always a temptation for Christians in the United States —especially in election years—to shift our hope to the relative success or failure of our preferred political party. But we must remember that the Christian hope is rooted in a much deeper reality than politics: the triumph of Jesus over all worldly powers, including the seemingly-ultimate powers of sin and death.

Join us for a Pre-Election PRAYER VIGIL - Monday evening, November 2 from 7:00-8:00PM as we remind each other of our shared hope which transcends partisanship, and pray for the peace and unity of our city and country.

All are welcome. Please invite friends, neighbors and Christians from other churches who may be encouraged by our time together. Please RSVP here.

In the Father's love,        

Your Rector, Vestry, & Staff