Register for a J-Term Class Before the Holiday Crush

Register for a J-Term Class Before the Holiday Crush

One of my favorite traditions here at Redeemer is our J-Term. Every January, we close down our Small Group gatherings and encourage everyone to take a class taught by a staff member or lay parishioner. I absolutely love seeing the diversity of gifts and variety of passions that our people have! So many of you have fascinating areas of expertise and it is a wonderful expression of generosity within the body of Christ for you to share your gift with others. 

Keep Advent Weird

Keep Advent Weird

If you're tripped up by the apparent false start of Advent you're in good company.  Christians do New Years weird.  We don't start with fanfare and champagne; we kick off with minor keys and cries from "lowly exile."  Tish Harrison Warren notes that part of the usefulness of Advent is to "make Christmas weird again, to allow the shock of the incarnation to take us aback once more."  I like this because the Incarnation of the Son of God is nothing less than an earthquake, and it should strike us as such.

Missional Presence to the VMFA

Missional Presence to the VMFA

One of the key features of city life (as compared to suburban or country life) is close, physical proximity to neighbors. We are all up in each other’s space all the time! Proximity has the potential to create either friction or blessing. Sometimes it is a gift to be close to others, but sometimes it’s a real pain! One place of potential friction or blessing is Redeemer’s proximity to the VMFA. Every Sunday we host our coffee hour on their lawn and we experience the blessing of the beautiful space they have cultivated. However, there are moments when we wonder if our proximity is a blessing to the VMFA. 

All Saints' Week

All Saints' Week

A blessed All Saints' Week to you! We are in a special week of the year in our Liturgical Calendar. Tuesday was All Hallows Eve, yesterday was All Saints Day, and today is All Souls Day. This week, we remember the saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed who have gone before us and whose lives serve as signs, pointing and inviting us toward become more like Jesus..

How Does God Do Mission?

How Does God Do Mission?

Today I’d like to press in just a bit more into that word “mission.” It’s a word that nearly all Christians use, but that is often used to mean very different things. Often when followers of Jesus hear or use the word mission, they mistakenly assume that everyone agrees and means the same thing. This wouldn’t be a big deal if “mission” was something small and peripheral, like using the correct brand of shampoo. But it is enormous and central - it is the way in which we participate in what God is doing in the world. God Himself has a mission and we, His children, are invited to be a part of it. For a Christian, therefore, mission is not a side dish, it’s the whole meal. It’s not one aspect of life, it’s what your life is about. 

I'm Confused, What Is Missional Presence?

I'm Confused, What Is Missional Presence?

Today I’d like to move forward to a different, but intimately related question, “What is missional presence?” One of the ways we talk about our life together is that the Church of Jesus is called to be a missional presence in the world. But what does that mean? “Missional Presence” sounds somewhat lofty, abstract, and vague. How can I tell if I’m doing it? How can I tell if it’s working? 

How To Lead A Redeemer Summer Book Club

How To Lead A Redeemer Summer Book Club

Every summer we ask our Small Groups to take a break from meeting to create space for what we call “Redeemer Summer Book Clubs.” These gatherings are (hopefully) exactly what they sound like - groups of people who all agree to read a book together and gather a few times over the course of the Summer to discuss what they are learning from the book. If you would like to lead one this Summer, here are your next steps

What You Need To Know About Dan's Summer Sabbatical

What You Need To Know About Dan's Summer Sabbatical

This Summer, after fifteen years of full-time ministry (6 in Charlottesville, 2 in Falls Church, and 7 in Richmond), I will be taking my first Sabbatical. This is something that we originally planned back in 2016, before our family had yet moved to Richmond to plant Redeemer. We told ourselves, back then, that at the seven year mark, we would take a three month Sabbatical. And now the time is here! I can hardly believe it…

A Peaceful Transfer of Power

A Peaceful Transfer of Power

This past Saturday was a significant day for us, our diocese, and the Anglican Church in North America. Our beloved Bishop, John Guernsey, officially handed over his spiritual authority and retired from the role of Bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. At the very same time, a new Bishop was consecrated and the Rt. Rev. Chris Warner will now serve as our Bishop. We look forward to welcoming him and his wife Catherine when they come visit us on Sunday, May 14th. 

Ash Wednesday: A Vital Practice For Remembering Your Death... And Your Joy

Ash Wednesday: A Vital Practice For Remembering Your Death... And Your Joy

Next week you are invited to participate in one of the most important days of the year in the life of our church. February 22nd is Ash Wednesday and we will all gather to receive the sign of the cross in ashes on our foreheads. Strange as it may sound, we won’t wash off the ashes right away, we'll bear the dirty smudge right there on our faces the rest of the day.