All Hands On Deck—Calling Volunteers For Holy Week

Dear Redeemer Family,

Holy Week, April 10-17, is the most important week of the year for followers of Jesus.

Through it, we remember Christ’s entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), His washing of the disciple’s feet and last supper (Maundy Thursday), His crucifixion and death on the cross (Good Friday), and His glorious resurrection from the dead on Sunday (Easter).

It is also the time during the year when we receive the most visitors to our services and, therefore, the time when we have the greatest opportunity to show hospitality to strangers and outsiders.


Therefore, I am asking everyone who is a member or regular attender to volunteer during Holy Week - prioritizing volunteering on Easter Sunday. Now, if you’re anything like me, you probably think of special holidays as a time not to volunteer, because you want to enjoy celebrations with family and friends. I get it. Really, I do.

However, your staff cannot pull off Holy Week (and especially Easter Sunday) alone! I want to encourage all of us to think of Holy Week, especially Easter Sunday, as a time to serve and welcome others.


Consider the following data:

Last year, in March 2021, we had an average Sunday attendance of 200 and then an Easter (April 4) attendance of 488.

Last Sunday (March 20), we had 426 in attendance and 115 of those were kids! I don’t know what we should project for attendance on Easter, but it is likely we will welcome more people than we ever have before!


Here are some important ways you can serve during Holy Week:




    • Assist with prepping foot washing stations - contact Danny Hindman


    • No more volunteers needed. Thanks!


    • 7:00 a.m. Service

      • Host Coffee & Donuts Hour - contact Jeff King

    • 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Services

Redeemer family, I’m continually surprised at the growth of our church and the changes it brings to all of us. Thank you for your willingness to roll up your sleeves, pitch in, and help welcome our neighbors so that they might hear and receive the good news of the Gospel.

In the Father’s love,