Introducing Two New Volunteer Staff

Dear Redeemer Family,

One of the unique features of our parish is the use of what we call our “Volunteer Staff.” If this has ever struck you as a bit of an oxymoron, along the lines of “Jumbo Shrimp” or “A cool Summer day in Richmond,” then you’re not crazy - it does sound like two things that don’t go together.

Here’s what we mean by Volunteer Staff: We mean a key lay leader in the parish who has generously agreed to donate a significant amount of their time towards leading an area of ministry. In order for them to lead in their ministries in integration with the other ministries of the parish, they have a seat at the table with the rest of the staff - participating in staff meetings, retreats, etc.

Here are our current Volunteer Staff:

  • Christa Vickers-Smith - Care Team Coordinator

  • Alex Riffee - Chaplain

  • Rachel Yowell - Justice & Mercy Coordinator

  • Marie Jeffery - Parish House Coordinator

  • Matt Rose - Men’s Fellowship Coordinator

This Summer, Chaney Widmer, who has been serving faithfully as our Volunteer Women’s Fellowship Coordinator, has transitioned out of this position. Thank you Chaney for your leadership and service! Well done!

Now, joining the team at the end of the Summer are two new volunteer staff:

Nancy Reynolds | Women’s Fellowship Coordinator

Some of you will remember that Nancy actually served on paid staff as our Redeemer Kids Director (back in the day, before Casey Cisco stepped into that role). We are delighted to have Nancy back on the team!


Celeste Meadows | Young Adult Fellowship Coordinator

Now that FIRST FRIDAYS, our monthly Young Adult Fellowship is up and running, we need someone to step into the roll of running point for that gathering and for helping integrate new young adults into the larger life of our parish. Celeste and I have been talking about Young Adult ministry at Redeemer for quite a while now and we think she’s the perfect person to take the lead here. Welcome Celeste!

If you are interested in volunteering to help with Womens or Young Adult Fellowship events this year, please reach out and contact Nancy or Celeste.


In the Father’s love,