What Is Pledging And Why Do We Do It?

Dear Redeemer Family,

As many of you know, one of the traditions we have sought to develop is that of intentionally and prayerfully cultivating generosity through the practice of annual Pledging. I’m writing to you today to share with you that our Vestry and Finance Team have requested that all members and regular attenders make a pledge before the end of May. Now, this may be unfamiliar to some of us, so here are some quick need-to-know details:

What is a Pledge?

A pledge is you communicating with our Finance Team what you anticipate you will be able to give to the church for the next fiscal year (Sept 1st, 2022 - Aug. 31st, 2023). You can do this via our website - redeeemerrva.org/give. Click on the PLEDGE button in the middle of the screen and fill out the form. It only takes a minute or two.

Why is it Important for the Vestry & Finance Team?

Redeemer’s fiscal year runs from Sept. 1st - Aug. 31st. So the Vestry and Finance Team will be spending the Summer drafting a new budget for the coming year of ministry. What a gift it would be to them if they knew ahead of time what the congregation planned to give! Your clear communication helps our church draft careful, informed, strategic plans for funding the ministry of the coming year.

Why is it Important for You?

While pledging is imminently practical and helpful for our church leadership, it’s more than that. Pledging is also an opportunity for your heart to be shaped by God. Why? Because how we use our resources both reveals and guides what God is doing in our hearts. When your church asks you to pledge, you are being asked to open your bank account to the Lord and ask Him, “How would you have me use the resources you have entrusted to me?” It’s a wonderful question that all of us should be asking on a regular basis.

What Pledging is NOT

Pledging is not an attempt to raise Redeemer’s Budget or meet a financial shortfall. I’m very grateful to report that our parish is in a healthy and strong position financially. Pledging is not about fixing something that is broken, but rather about us continuing to grow spiritually together.

Deadline for Pledging

Remember, the deadline for pledging is May 31st. Please do not wait until the last minute! Very real decisions and plans for the coming year of ministry will be made based on the pledging data that the Vestry and Finance Team receive.

Church family, Rachel and I will be prayerfully discussing our pledge over the next couple of weeks. We invite you to join us in this practice and let’s all move forward together in cheerful, grateful generosity.

In the Father’s love,