Consider Inviting a Friend to Redeemer's Christmas Eve Service

Redeemer Family,

All of us have family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers who are either unbelievers or Christians who do not currently have a church home. Our Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols service is a low-bar of entry for anyone who is outside our parish. 

Think about it: 

  • It’s Christmas Eve. Even those who have never darkened the door of a church are familiar with some of the songs and stories of the season. 

  • Lessons & Carols is not nearly as complex or intimidating as our normal, Sunday morning Eucharistic liturgy. If someone asks you what the service will be like, the answer is delightfully simple, “It’s just 7 readings and 7 carols/songs.” 

  • It is a sensory service. Lights, candles, music, art - a feast for the senses! 

  • It’s short! Less than 1 hour. 

  • The Gospel message will be accessible and clear. At the end of the 7 lessons and carols, I will give a very brief (5-7 min) homily that ties the whole service together and presents the good news of the Gospel. This is especially important for people who are lonely, suffering, or grieving during this season. 

Pause for a moment and make a mental (or physical) list of people you know who are either unbelievers or Christians who do not have a church home. Consider inviting all of those people to come with you to either the 4:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. service. 

Advent is drawing to a close and the Feast of Christmas is nearly here. This is not only a moment of waiting and celebration, but also a moment of hospitality. Just as we sing “let every heart prepare Him room,” we may also prepare our calendars and homes with room for our neighbors. 

I’ll be inviting my friends from outside Redeemer and I’d love for you to do so as well.

In the Father’s love,