Re-Upping on Our Membership Practices

Redeemer Family,

I have one very important action item for you this month—for every member and non-member alike. When new members join the parish, we ask you to take what we call Membership Practices of giving Time, Talent, and Treasure to the Lord Jesus through his body, the Church. 

I’m writing to you today to ask that, during the month of May, our whole parish re-up / re-commit / re… something? :) to these practices.

Now, if you are not yet a member, this is for you as well. One of the best ways to “try Redeemer on for size to see if it fits” is to practice living as a member before actually taking that step of commitment. 

If you know what I’m talking about and are ready to do that, here’s the linkEvery adult is encouraged to submit a pledge. Households can make their financial pledges together.

If you’re a little fuzzy on what those practices are or if you’d like a refresher, keep reading! 



The practices of membership are not designed to be burdensome or onerous. Though our sinful human tendency is to view all rules and expectations as constraining our freedom, we want to embrace these practices wholeheartedly - recognizing that they are for our good and the good our fellow members in the church and our neighbors outside the church. 


  • TIME—A member commits to making participation in Sunday worship and in small group fellowship a regular part of their weekly habit. Of course, while it is understood that travel schedules and illness may often keep us from participating 100% of the time; we want to say together as members - “we will make it a priority to be together.”

    1. Catchphrase: There is no such creature as a member who rarely worships with us on Sunday or refuses to join a small group.

    2. Key Action Item: Register to lead or participate in a Small Group.  

  • TALENT—A member commits to volunteering their talents and gifts within the church. This may take the shape of formally joining a ministry team (or two or three), or volunteering in some other special capacity. Of course, while it is understood that travel and work schedules may make this a challenge; we want to say together as members, - “we will make it a priority to serve one another and our neighbors.”  

    1. Catchphrase: There is no such creature as a member who is too busy to ever volunteer their time for the church. 

    2. Key Action Item: Register to volunteer on a ministry team for the coming year. 

  • TREASURE—A member commits to filling out a pledge card each year and giving of their financial resources to the mission and work of the church. Of course, the resources of each individual and household will vary widely (within an economically diverse church - this is expected). Our generosity is not predicated upon achievement of a particular level of financial success or comfort, but rather upon Christ’s call for us to simply give sacrificially. Our giving honors the Lord (who is the giver of all good gifts), forms us (helping us grow in dependence on God), and provides for the work of the church (which is a benefit to ourselves and others. 

    1. Catchphrase: There is no such creature as a member who is unwilling to give any of their resources back to the Lord by giving to the church. 

    2. Key Action Item: Register your financial pledge for the September 2023 - August 2024 fiscal year. 

Now, if you’re ready to take these steps, here is the link

If you still have more questions, here are some commonly asked questions:

What is a Pledge? 

A pledge is you communicating with our Finance Team what you anticipate you will be able to financially give to the church for the next fiscal year (September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024). 

Why is it Important for the Vestry & Finance Team? 

Redeemer’s fiscal year runs from September 1 - August 31. So the Vestry and Finance Team will be spending the summer drafting a new budget for the coming year of ministry. What a gift it would be to them if they knew ahead of time what the congregation planned to give! Your clear communication helps our church draft careful, informed, strategic plans for funding the ministry of the coming year. 

Why is it Important for You? 

While pledging is imminently practical and helpful for our church leadership, it’s more than that. Pledging is also an opportunity for your heart to be shaped by God. Why? Because how we use our resources both reveals and guides what God is doing in our hearts. When your church asks you to pledge, you are being asked to open your bank account to the Lord and ask Him, “How would you have me use the resources you have entrusted to me?” It’s a wonderful question that all of us should be asking on a regular basis. 

What Pledging is NOT

Pledging is not an attempt to raise Redeemer’s Budget or meet a financial shortfall. I’m very grateful to report that our parish is in a healthy and strong position financially. Pledging is not about fixing something that is broken, but rather about us continuing to grow spiritually together. 

Deadline for Pledging

The deadline for pledging is Wednesday, May 31. Please do not wait until the last minute! Very real decisions and plans for the coming year of ministry will be made based on the pledging data that the Vestry and Finance Team receive. 

If you have more questions, please feel free to reach out to a member of our Staff or Vestry and they would be glad to assist you with this. Let’s aim for 100% participation here! Don’t be that person that we have to email over and over again! 

Redeemer family, I love you so very much and I’m looking forward to another great year together. 

In the Father’s love,