Here's to You, Summer (hey fall, didn’t see you there!)

Dear Redeemer Family,

I’m never ready for this week.
I see it coming a mile away and I’m still unprepared.
Summer has boarded the ship and is waving farewell as she sails off and away.
Let us raise a glass, toast her splendor, and fondly remember how we felt that first week of June.
Alright, enough that.
Fall is here!

For many of us, there are so many things that will begin to clamor for our attention as we head into September. Our calendars will fill up and before we know it, we’ll be saying things like, “I don’t know how I got so busy!”

This happens to the Marotta family as well! One way that Rachel and I have found to combat the back-to-fall busyness is to sit down with our family calendar before the summer ends and make sure that the most important things get scheduled first. For us, the spiritual health of our family and the church is the most important thing. Everything else is negotiable.

So, church commitments go first on the calendar:

  1. Sunday Morning Worship

  2. Saturday Sabbath

  3. Wednesday Night Youth Fellowship

  4. Thursday nights for hosting people within the parish

  5. Sunday evening Foundations Class

  6. Men’s & Women’s Fellowship Events

  7. Vestry & Staff Meetings & Retreats

Next on the calendar go important dates for our little family:

  1. Birthdays and Holidays

  2. Days of rest and play

  3. Trips to visit relatives and friends

  4. Quarterly overnight getaways for me and Rachel without the kids

Next go important school dates for the kids:

  1. Monday-Friday classes

  2. Field trips

  3. Recitals and special programs

Next go Youth Sports

  1. Soccer (x3)

  2. Volleyball (x1)

I could keep going, but I’ll stop there. The point is, we have found over the years that this is key:

Unless we proactively claim the calendar for the spiritual, relational, and emotional health of our family and the church, then someone or something else will claim it for us.

This helps us know how to navigate calendar conflicts and to consistently choose what is best for us and the church over what feels easy at the moment.

Example #1: Most weekday evenings, I don’t feel like I have the energy for much besides getting the kids to bed and perhaps reading a book before falling asleep with the lights on. However, if I’ve already scheduled an evening to host some key leaders in our church or a Small Group gathering, then I find myself led by the calendar into something that is genuinely good for my soul. And afterwards, I’m always glad that I did.

Example #2: Often we have to choose between multiple good things. Should our child go to soccer practice or youth fellowship? Should I take Saturday off or work on Sunday’s sermon for a few more hours? If I wait until the last minute to decide, I will be swayed by whatever feels like the path of least resistance. However, if I prayerfully and thoughtfully plan out my calendar ahead of time, I am more likely to make a wise decision.

So, here’s what I am asking all of us to do.

Take some intentional time in the next few days and claim the Fall Calendar for the spiritual well-being of your family and church:

  1. Sunday Worship: First, schedule every Sunday morning for worship.

  2. Small Group: Second, schedule one day a week for Small Group and sign up! Here’s the link.

  3. Sabbath: Third, schedule one day per week for Sabbath rest. Though Sunday or Saturday are ideal, it could be another day depending on your work schedule.

  4. Fellowship & Service:  Depending on your situation and life stage, mark your calendar for church fellowship and service opportunities:

    1. Wednesday Night Youth Fellowship

    2. Young Adult First Fridays

    3. Men’s Fellowship & Women’s Fellowship Events

    4. CCO college ministry at VCU or U of R

    5. Justice & Mercy Partners service opportunities

    6. Volunteering with one of Redeemer’s ministries

Some of you already do this so very well and you’re probably way ahead of us!

Others of us are not yet accustomed to committing to things (especially church things) in advance. Consider this an invitation to try it out for the first time and see if it bears good fruit in your life.

Looking forward to a great fall together.

In the Father’s love,