Practice Two: Identity

Who am I?

Embracing a new identity in Jesus that is received, stable, and secure.

Traditional identities are rooted in an over-identification with the family to the detriment of the individual. Modern identities are rooted in the self and demand that all expressions of human community subordinate themselves to the rights and desires of the individual. Both the traditional and modern expressions of identity attempt to provide a stability and security that will endure. And yet both are deeply fragile. Neither can ultimately deliver on their promises. Both demand your constant best efforts in order to receive their benefits. Over time this proves to be exhausting.

Christian identity is fundamentally different than both traditional and modern identities because it is not an identity you achieve. Rather, it is an identity you receive as a gift. Understanding this allows us to begin to respond to Jesus’s counterintuitive invitation to ‘take his yoke’ upon ourselves and ‘find rest’ (Mt. 11:29-30).


