Come to the 7AM Sunrise Service on Easter (If possible!)

Redeemer Family,

Good evening! A blessed Holy Week to you. I want to take a moment to ask you to consider attending the 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Worship Service on Easter Morning. Now, of course not everyone is able to do this and we understand! However, if you are able to flex your schedule, here are three good reasons to attend the 7:00 a.m.: 

  1. Align Worship of God with the Rhythms of God’s Creation: Greet the rising of our Lord as we greet the rising sun. Followers of Jesus have always understood the daily rhythm of sleeping and waking to be a form of practicing death and resurrection. 

  2. Make Worship the First Thing You Do on Easter: Before breakfast, parties, and other festivities, begin the day with worship. 

  3. Make Room for Visitors at the 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Services: Easter is one of the most important days for us to show hospitality to outsiders. 

Church family, I hope this doesn’t sound fake, but as we head into the Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, I just want to say how very fond I am of each of you and how much I love our parish. 

The Holy Spirit has drawn us together and has knit us as one in Christ - making us both united with Jesus and united with each other. Of course, life doesn’t always feel this way, but our union is real regardless of the highs and lows of our feelings. 

It continues to be a tremendous privilege to serve as your Rector and I’m so grateful that we will make the journey together over the next few days. 

In the Father’s love,