End-of-Year Giving

Dear Redeemer Family,

This past Sunday, we examined Acts 20:35, the lost beatitude of Jesus, and we learned about the Paradox of Generosity. If you missed it, we would love for you to listen in here

As 2023 winds down and we prepare for the holidays, time off of work, and (hopefully) a time of rest with family - I’d like to invite all of us to consider a few different ways to think about giving before December 31. 

  1. Your First Gift: Many of you are brand new and have either:

    1. Only recently decided to make Redeemer your home church, or

    2. Are still somewhere in the discernment process about whether or not Redeemer will be your church home.

    I’d like to say to both parties - wherever you are - be all in. You may decide to stay, you may not - but either way it’s a good and healthy thing to be invested wherever you are. So I invite you to consider making your first gift.  

  2. Fulfilling Your Pledge: Those of you who are members and have already filled out a pledge card earlier in the year may want to double-check to see if you have fulfilled your Pledge (you can check your pledge status by logging in to your Church Center account, clicking your initials in the top right, then ‘my giving,’ then ‘pledges). This is a new practice for many of us - but it is such a helpful one - both for you and for the church. Pledging helps you give strategically and intentionally. Pledging helps the church plan ahead and make wise and careful decisions. So if you are able, I invite you to fulfill your pledge. 

  3. Giving Out of Abundance: Many of us begin each year wondering if we will earn enough money to make ends meet. Some of us feel a financial pinch towards the end of the year because we have not made quite as much as we had hoped, but others of us have (remarkably!) brought in more than enough income. If the Lord has blessed you with abundance this year, I invite you to consider giving to Christ’s church out of that abundance as a way of honoring His generosity and goodness to you. 

How do I give? For those of you who are new to giving, please visit the giving page on our website for instructions on how to: 

  1. Give Online 

  2. Give in the offering basket at church

  3. Mail a check

  4. Gift appreciated assets

When is the deadline for year-end giving? All online gifts must be made and all checks must be dated by December 31 or earlier. 

Thank you, dear friends. The Lord has been wonderfully generous to us this year and it’s a joy to give back to our King with grateful hearts. 

In the Father’s love,