Redeemer is worshipping in-person on Sundays and we look forward to seeing you soon. Please register by 6 p.m. the Friday prior so that we can honor adjusted attendance capacities and observe social distancing guidelines.

The sermon for each Sunday will be posted here along with an abbreviated liturgy for at-home worship. If you’re unable to join us in person we encourage you to continue worshipping online using these resources.

**Please note that the liturgy video is not subtitled. You will need to download the liturgy PDF to participate at home.


During the Time of Coronavirus


  • Set aside 1 hour of uninterrupted time.

  • Choose a good location in your home, a living room or around the kitchen table.

  • Light a candle.

  • If you have very young children who will not be able to engage, consider choosing your time of worship during their nap time or after bedtime.

  • If you have young children who may be able to engage with part or all of the time, tell them ahead of time and think about some things they might do while you listen to the sermon and discuss it. (Craft projects like coloring a picture, writing a letter to a neighbor, building a bible scene with legos or blocks, etc.)

  • Resist the impulse to multi-task. When you are praying, listening, and singing - let it be the only thing you are doing.

Psalm 38 — Benejou-Rabinowicz

When you are finished, extinguish the candle, thank each other for their prayers, 
and return to your work with glad and grateful hearts.



The formal deadline for financial pledging has passed, but if you have yet to make your pledge, please click here to do so. The Finance Team is receiving financial pledges as Redeemer's leadership plans the upcoming ministry year (September 2020 - August 2021). If Redeemer is the church you call your spiritual home, please prayerfully consider how you might give out of your financial resources in the ministry year ahead to partner in the work God has called us to: seeking the redemption of Jesus for our neighbors and city.

Sunday, July 26 | 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., & 5:00 p.m.

We will be gathering again for in-person worship next Sunday. Please register by 6 p.m. the Friday prior so that we can honor adjusted attendance capacities and observe social distancing guidelines. Please click to:

  1. Register to let us know which of our Sunday service times you plan to attend—9 a.m., 11 a.m. or 5 p.m..

  2. Read our reopening guidelines, and

  3. See a preview of our modified worship service.


While Small Groups are on hiatus we're rolling out Mens and Women's Summer Fellowship Groups for the summer months of June, July, and August. We encourage you to either: A) Start a group, or B) join someone else's group!

  • Who? Single sex gatherings, all men or all women. 

  • Where? Outdoors.

  • How Many? Less than 10 people.

  • How? Practice social distancing of a minimum of 10 ft. 

  • What else? Sanitize furniture before and after. 

If you would like to join an existing group or start a new group, email the Rev. Dan Marotta or Rachel Capel

If you are new, and do not yet know enough people to either start a group or receive an invitation to a group, please send Dan or Rachel an email and we will get you connected!


This 8-session class is designed to orient you to Redeemer's core values and practices.  It's a casual first step toward membership and a great place to ask questions and help us get to know you better. It is required for anyone interested in becoming a member. Cost: $15. Click here to register. For more information contact Jeff King.


Click to email Christa Vickers-Smith and receive prompts to participate in Redeemer's call to prayer and fasting every Friday.


There are lots of growing families at Redeemer. Click accordingly to bring a meal to Daniel and Anna Payne and Will and Morgan Fogleman.


Redeemer has opened a Mercy Fund through the giving page of our website to receive donations that will be distributed to those in need. Click here to give or here to request help.