Members of the Care Team will be available to pray with you Sunday morning, June 14 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. Please text Emily Arnold (804-821-7288‬‬) or Josh Betts (804-399-1227‬) before calling so that if they are on the phone with someone else they can call you back. Click below to call Emily or Josh.

If you would like someone to pray with you at a different time please text Redeemer’s Care Team Coordinator, Christa Vickers-Smith (‭804-319-6377‬) or email, and someone will call you to pray with you before the end of the day.


During the Time of Coronavirus


  • Set aside 1 hour of uninterrupted time.

  • Choose a good location in your home, a living room or around the kitchen table.

  • Light a candle.

  • If you have very young children who will not be able to engage, consider choosing your time of worship during their nap time or after bedtime.

  • If you have young children who may be able to engage with part or all of the time, tell them ahead of time and think about some things they might do while you listen to the sermon and discuss it. (Craft projects like coloring a picture, writing a letter to a neighbor, building a bible scene with legos or blocks, etc.)

  • Resist the impulse to multi-task. When you are praying, listening, and singing - let it be the only thing you are doing.

Joy In Blue — Bernard Hoyes

When you are finished, extinguish the candle, thank each other for their prayers, 
and return to your work with glad and grateful hearts.



Even though our Small Groups are taking a break from meeting during the Summer months, our need to fellowship with one another has not gone away! If anything, we are all even more in need of real, face-to-face, time together. 

Therefore, for the Summer months of June, July, and August, we are rolling out Mens and Womens Summer Fellowship Groups. We encourage you to follow the guidelines below and either: A) Start a group, or B) join someone else's group!


  • Who? Single sex gatherings, all men or all women. 

  • Where? Outdoors.

  • How Many? Less than 10 people.

  • How? Practice social distancing of a minimum of 10 ft. 

  • What else? Sanitize furniture before and after. 

HOW TO START A SUMMER FELLOWSHIP GROUP? If you would like to start a group, just let us know! Email the Rev. Dan Marotta or Rachel Capel

HOW TO JOIN A SUMMER FELLOWSHIP GROUP?  If you would like to join an existing group, just email the Rev. Dan Marotta or Rachel Capel.

WHAT IF YOU ARE NEW? If you are new, and do not yet know enough people to either start a group or receive an invitation to a group, just let us know! Contact either The Rev. Dan Marotta or Rachel Capel and they will help you get connected.


We invite you to join with the Redeemer community in fasting and prayer for our city, nation, and world every Friday. Click here for some helpful prompts to begin praying and here to read more about Fasting Fridays from Redeemer's Care Team Coordinator, Christa Vickers-Smith.

You can also read the call to fasting and prayer that was given to the ACNA at large from our Archbishop, Foley Beach.


Congratulations to Will and Morgan Fogleman who recently welcomed baby Austin into the world! Click to sign up to bring them a meal during this time of growth for their family and let's give thanks together for the gift of new life.

There are other growing families in our midst too. Click accordingly to bring a meal to Kevin and Rachel CapelNelson and Anne Smith, and Thomas and Elizabeth DiStanislao.


Last month launched a new initiative to help us proactively care for our neighbors. Click here to hear from Redeemer's Justice and Mercy Coordinator, Teryn Morgan, or here for an overview of Bless Your Block.


If you're looking for a good book recommendation during this season of quarantine, the Redeemer staff has put together a list of titles organized by genre for your consideration. Check it out here.


Redeemer has opened a Mercy Fund through the giving page of our website to receive donations that will be distributed to those in need. Click here to give or here to request help.


If you're accustomed to giving during worship on Sunday mornings, you can use Redeemer's online giving option to make a one-time gift or set up recurring gifts. Click here.