Do you Sing, Play an Instrument, or Have a Good Ear for Music?

Dear Redeemer Family,

We are blessed to have Orlando Palmer as our Artist-in-Residence. Not only is he writing and recording fantastic new songs, but he also works with musicians, vocalists, and sound techs here in the parish to create beautiful music for our Sunday morning worship services.

As we prepare to send out our second church plant—All Souls Anglican—in just a few weeks, we are realizing that we are sending many of our best musicians, vocalists, and sound techs! This leaves some significant roles open that you could fill.


Do you love to sing and have a decent voice?

Do you play a musical instrument?

Do you have a good ear for music?

If the answer to any of the above is “yes,” then I would encourage you to contact Orlando and schedule a practice session with him.

You don’t have to be a professional or expert. We’re looking for folks with a modicum of skill who have the desire to serve the Lord and the church with their talent.

Thanks, Orlando, for putting together such great teams every Sunday morning and thanks in advance to you new folks who might be willing to jump in and help!

In the Father’s love,