Save the Date: Parish Town Hall, December 11, 7:00 p.m.
Dear Redeemer Family,
There are a handful of times each year where it is vitally important for us to pull together as a church to look back in celebration of what God has done and to look ahead in anticipation of where the Lord might be leading us next.
Two ACTION ITEMS: Please pause right now and:
Reserve the evening of Sunday, December 11 on your personal calendar.
RSVP online for the Town Hall so that we can provide enough food and drink for everyone.
What happens at the Parish Town Hall?
A presentation of the annual report from the Finance Team and Vestry.
A remembrance and celebration of the goodness of the Lord to us this past year.
An update on our hopes for owning a church building in a permanent location.
A presentation of fresh vision language from our Rector, Dan.
Open Q&A on all of the above.
This promises to be a fun, informative, and encouraging evening together! As our parish continues to grow and flourish, let’s ensure that we are setting aside time to both celebrate with gratitude and strategically look ahead with hope.
See you there!
In the Father’s love,
Your Vestry
Your Finance Team
Your Rector
Matt Morgan, Senior Warden
Jim Reynolds, Junior Warden
Halle Basco
Bethany Lansing
David Williamson
Sarah Byrd
Finance Team
Webb Estes, Chair
Ben Gurley, Treasurer
Jeff King, Senior Director of Operations
Steve Godfrey
Sean Rutherford
Kerri Swaim
Rector: The Rev. Dan Marotta